At your next Social Event why not, dazzle your guests with cafe-style beverages served hot or cold whatever their fancy, with our state of the art Mobile facility. Aboard we can supply you with Coffee, Mini Dutch Pancakes, Milkshakes, Gelato, and much more along with a service guaranteed to Please ! 'Sydney Coffees' literally is a 'Cafe on wheels'.
Each custom-built Espresso van features an espresso machine, coffee grinder, blender, fridges, Gelato Freezer, Mini Dutch Pancake hot plate, and even hot water. Our menu includes a wide variety of hot and cold beverages such as cappuccinos, lattes, short and long blacks, flat whites, mochas, iced coffees, hot chocolates, frozen fruit frappes and an assortment of cakes, slices and cookies.
There's no set up, no preparation, no serving, no cleaning up ... so you can relax and enjoy yourself or concentrate on other aspects of the event.
'SydneyCoffees' employs professionally trained and qualified staff, who pride in what they do. To avoid disappointment, Bookings are essential, phone Martin on 0417 237 524 or email